

دانلود کتاب Designing Data-Intensive Applications_ The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems by Martin Kleppmann

Want to know how the best software engineers and architects structure their applications to make them scalable, reliable, and maintainable in the long term?

This book examines the key principles, algorithms, and trade-offs of data systems, using the internals of various popular software packages and frameworks as examples. Tools at your disposal are evolving and demands on applications are increasing, but the principles behind them remain the same.


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Designing Data-Intensive Applications_ The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems by Martin Kleppmann

نویسنده: مارتین کلمپن (Martin Kleppmann)

Want to know how the best software engineers and architects structure their applications to make them scalable, reliable, and maintainable in the long term?

This book examines the key principles, algorithms, and trade-offs of data systems, using the internals of various popular software packages and frameworks as examples.

Tools at your disposal are evolving and demands on applications are increasing, but the principles behind them remain the same. You’ll learn how to determine what kind of tool is appropriate for which purpose, and how certain tools can be combined to form the foundation of a good application architecture.

You’ll learn how to develop an intuition for what your systems are doing, so that you’re better able to track down any problems that arise.

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Goodreads users review :

It’s a really great book. The author is well known in the field and the author of Apache Samza. In this book he explains even smallest challenges in creating a distributed data intensive system. Sameer Rahmani                                                                                    rated it: 5.0 from 5.0 

Like you’d expect of a technical book with such a broad scope, there are sections that most readers in the target audience will probably find either too foundational or too esoteric to justify writing about at this kind of length, but still – at its best, I shudder to think of the time wasted groping in the dark for an ad hoc understanding of concepts it explains holistically in just a few unfussy, lucid pages and a diagram or two. Definitely a book I see myself reaching for as a reference or memory jogger for years to come. David Bjelland                                                                                        rated it: 5.0 from 5.0 

(۵.۰) excellent summary/foundation/recommendations for distributed systems development, covers a lot of the use cases for data-intensive (vs compute-intensive) apps/services. I recommend to anyone doing service development. Recommendations are well-reasoned, citations are helpful and are leading me to do a lot more reading. Thank you for finding and sharing this one, @Chet. I think this will be a book we assign as a primer for working at Goodreads going forward. At least some of the (later) chapters. Brian                                                                                                      rated it: 5.0 from 5.0



Martin Kleppmann







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دانلود کتاب Designing Data-Intensive Applications_ The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems by Martin Kleppmann



Martin Kleppmann







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