

دانلود کتاب Self-Love Workbook for Women Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are by Megan Logan MSW LCSW

Unlock the life-changing power of self-love with this workbook for women

In a woman’s journey toward realizing her full potential, embracing self-love is a powerful step. The Self-Love Workbook for Women empowers women to focus on their own emotional health and make positive changes by nurturing self-compassion. By building better relationships with themselves, women can develop the confidence they need to take on the world.


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Self-Love Workbook for Women Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are by Megan Logan MSW LCSW

نویسنده: Megan Logan MSW LCSW

Unlock the life-changing power of self-love with this workbook for women

In a woman’s journey toward realizing her full potential, embracing self-love is a powerful step. The Self-Love Workbook for Women empowers women to focus on their own emotional health and make positive changes by nurturing self-compassion. By building better relationships with themselves, women can develop the confidence they need to take on the world.

Witty prompts, quizzes, and creative activities designed by therapist Megan Logan make it fun to build self-care habits. Proven therapeutic tools and insightful writing exercises put women in touch with their thoughts and feelings and help them let go of doubt. Full of warm affirmations, this workbook encourages women to develop a positive mindset that will move them toward greater self-esteem and happiness.

Deepen self-love and grow stronger as a woman with the help of this interactive workbook.

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Goodreads users review :

Thoroughly enjoyed this workbook and really got a lot out of it. Highly recommend for anyone looking to help improve their self love. Katie                                                                                                      rated it: 5.0 from 5.0

A bunch or practices, examples and fun activities. Before reading, I was very self conscious of myself and I only thought about others and never but myself first. It toke a lot for me to finally think for myself and I just see myself as a Queen now Cheyanne C                                                                                            rated it: 4.0 from 5.0

This has great insights, activities, and journal opportunities. I will definitely keep this handy. Melanie                                                                                                  rated it: 4.0 from 5.0



Megan Logan MSW LCSW







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دانلود کتاب Self-Love Workbook for Women Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are by Megan Logan MSW LCSW



Megan Logan MSW LCSW







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